вторник, 5 марта 2013 г.

Weird tongue-slip

It's a terrible, terrible tragedy.

There was a major flood nearby. You've been watching news reports about it. You and a coworker are talking about how bad it is for the people that live there.
It's a terrible, terrible tragedy.

понедельник, 4 марта 2013 г.

Shoot Yourself in the Foot

This is an amazing phrase used in spoken English. If you “shoot yourself in the foot” it means that you accidentally do something that is negative for you.To help you remember phrases, it’s very helpful to understand the original meaning of the phrase.

воскресенье, 3 марта 2013 г.

Explain how much

When you want to explain the degree of something in English, you use adverbs like these:

She's very sick.
I'm a little sleepy.
Those are common adverbs which you probably already know. What about these?

суббота, 2 марта 2013 г.

Easier said than done

You're not in very good shape. Your friend is giving you some advice. She says that you should exercise every day, but you're very busy so it's not easy to find time to exercise. You think in response to your friend's suggestion. 
Easier said than done.

пятница, 1 марта 2013 г.

if i die - facebook app

A new Twitter App, launching in March will allow you to communicate with your friends and relatives after you die.  The tagline of the new service, called Liveson, is “When your heart stops beating, you’ll keep tweeting”.  It allows you to plan in advance the tweets that will be published after you pass away.  A similar facebook app, called Ifidie

Eye Opener

In English, an “eye opener” is some event or situation that makes you really think about things differently. An “eye opener” is an experience that gives you more knowledge and a deeper understanding about something. Some examples will really help to clear this up: I had no idea what China was really like before I   travelled there. It was a real eye opening experience.