четверг, 30 января 2014 г.

A Coffee, Please!

If you visit a café and the staff are rude you can choose not to go back, but what happens when it’s the customers who are impolite?  A French Café has decided to reward polite customers and punish

среда, 29 января 2014 г.

Telephoning in English

Here are some useful tips and phrases for making telephone calls in English.

Spelling on the phone

If you need to spell your name, or take the name of your caller, the biggest problem is often saying vowel sounds:
'a' is pronounced as in 'may'
'e' is pronounced as in 'email' or 'he'
'i' is pronounced as in 'I' or 'eye'
'o' is pronounced as in 'no'
'u' is pronounced as 'you'

The Olympics Vocabulary

Suggest & Recommend

Jack went to the doctor last week. The doctor suggested that Jack should stop drinking so much coffee. So, Jack went home and told his wife. She recommended drinking tea instead of coffee in the morning. If I were Jack’s doctor, I would also recommend he drink tea instead of coffee. Jack tends to drink more than five cups of coffee a day. Hey Jack! I suggest you cut down!
Today, let’s have a look at the grammar behind suggest and recommend.

вторник, 28 января 2014 г.

воскресенье, 26 января 2014 г.


Collocations With Make

Here are some example English sentences using these collocations with make:
  • made plans to have my house painted.
  • The kids always make noise when they play in the backyard.
  • Don’t try to  make an excuse. I know you just forgot to call me!