пятница, 26 апреля 2019 г.

How to complain

No one likes to complain. But sometimes, it’s necessary.

четверг, 25 апреля 2019 г.

Synonyms: Other Ways to Say …

OTHER-WAYS-TO-SAY-in other words, good morning

What are idioms?

Idioms are phrases which are commonly used by native speakers of English to make the language more fluid.  Another term for idioms is ‘slang’.

Idiom "country bumpkin"

среда, 24 апреля 2019 г.

воскресенье, 21 апреля 2019 г.

Idiom "come out of (one's) shell"

Adverbs Of Degree

English Adverbs Of Degree - Add Interest To Your Adjectives. Do you always use "very" or "a little" with adjectives? If you do, you're missing an opportunity to speak more natural English. In fact, native speakers have a huge range of adverbs of degree - both informal and formal - to use in different situations.

The difference between 'vacation' and 'holiday'

What's the difference between 'vacation' and 'holiday'?

"Vacation" and "holiday" are words with similar meanings. They both describe days when you don't go to work or school. There are differences between them, but they can be a little difficult to discover on your own.