вторник, 25 декабря 2018 г.

The Night Before Christmas

Merry Christmas Everyone!
I’m going to revive the famous poem, attributed to Clement Clarke Moore. This is an iconic poem, written with some old style grammar and vocabulary, that we often hear at Christmas.

The Night Before Christmas.
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Sometimes, sometime, or some time?

10 "Cold" English Idioms

10 words to learn in 2019

“Learning new words at The Free Dictionary is the best resolution you can make.” - Ben Franklin, probably.
We’re not trying to coerce you or anything with the above  axiomatic saying, but if you find yourself contrite about not following through on your capricious New Year’s resolutions from 2018, don’t make an egregious mistake and make the same hackneyed resolution for 2019! Instead, resolve to learn some new words!

5 times you should NOT use a preposition

среда, 19 декабря 2018 г.

Burning the Clocks Festival, December, 21st

Burning the Clocks is winter solstice festival  that takes place each year in BrightonUK.  Founded in 1993the celebration centers round a procession of lanterns and costumesmade from  withies (willow canesand white tissuepaperlead by local bands with a carnival atmosphere.  The procession makes its way through Brighton city centre to the seafront where the festivities culminate in a lantern bonfireaccompanied by  fireworksThe costumes all include clockface to represent the passing of timealthough each year has a slight change of theme.
Same Skyan arts initiative first organised the event to commemorate the CoOp's 150th BirthdayThey explain: "Burning the Clocks is an antidote to the excesses of the commercial ChristmasPeople gather together to make paper and willow lanterns to carry through their city and burn on the beach as a token for the end of the year ... The lantern makers become part of the show as they invest the lanterns with their wisheshopesand fears and then pass them into the fireSame Sky are masters at creating new urban rituals to replace those traditional festivals that were lost in the dash to be new and non superstitious." [http://www.burningtheclocks.co.uk Burning of the Clocks homepage]

пятница, 7 декабря 2018 г.

среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Idiom "talk a mile a minute"

Business Vocabulary Quiz

Do you know these 10 business- and job-related terms? Take the quiz to find out!

воскресенье, 2 декабря 2018 г.

четверг, 29 ноября 2018 г.

10 Habits of a Good Student

A good student has certain qualities that make him a success in the studies. From being punctual and eating a healthy diet to doing exercise and making friends, a good student has everything that give him an advantage over other students. If you want to be a successful student, here are some of the habits you need to emulate:

воскресенье, 25 ноября 2018 г.

четверг, 22 ноября 2018 г.

6 food words you didn’t know were filled with salt

Watching your salt intake? You may want to avoid these salt-heavy etymologies.

You might not taste it, but salad is always salty. “Salad” comes from the Vulgar Latin word salāta, meaning “having been salted.” The name may seem like a strange choice for a dish of leafy greens, but it most likely

Just ask your questions

English Music Idioms: Quiz and Audio Lesson

English Music Idioms: Quiz and Audio Lesson
Do you know these 5 great music-related idioms? Take this quiz and audio lesson to find out!
With this Quiz and Audio Lesson, you will learn 5 great English idioms related to music.

понедельник, 12 ноября 2018 г.

пятница, 9 ноября 2018 г.

воскресенье, 4 ноября 2018 г.

Idiom "scare story"

Top 10 Acronyms That Will Make Your Life Easier

To a noob (that's internet-speak for a newbie), social media can look like alphabet soup. While you've probably picked up on the staples like LOL and OMG, there are hundreds of acronyms out there, some of which are way less obvious and way more useful.
Fun fact: The term abbreviation is an umbrella term—so basically all these little shortened text-speak words we’re using now

пятница, 2 ноября 2018 г.

The strange coinages of money words

Some money words were minted millennia ago. Others are more re-cent.
The Coining of “Money”
Money comes from a mint, but, etymologically, both words come from the same source: the Latin word monēta, meaning “mint.” That word derives from Monēta, an epithet of Juno, queen of the Roman gods.

Idiom "salad years"

четверг, 25 октября 2018 г.

adjectives for describing someone’s character

Weather Idioms - Audio Lesson + Quiz

ENGLISH WEATHER IDIOMS - Free Audio Lesson + Weather Idiom Quiz
Do you know these 5 great weather idioms. Take the quiz, then the audio lesson, then a writing quiz to make sure you can use them properly.

среда, 24 октября 2018 г.

вторник, 23 октября 2018 г.

Какой кофе пьют в разных странах мира

Миллионы людей по всему миру начинают свой день с чашки бодрящего кофе или кофейного напитка. И в каждой стране есть свои секреты его приготовления.

Idiom "the outside world"

Idiom "keep (someone) in the loop"

четверг, 18 октября 2018 г.

They Is A Singular Pronoun

Has someone ever asked you to refer to them as they instead of him or her? Are you hedging because you can’t possibly refer to one single person as they? What if we told you that they has been used to refer to just one person since at least the 1300s?

вторник, 16 октября 2018 г.

Idiom "keep (someone) in the loop"

Остроумные цитаты Марка Твена

Творчество Марка Твена охватывает множество жанров — юмор, сатиру, философскую фантастику, публицистику и другие. На пике карьеры он был, вероятно, самой популярной фигурой в Америке. Уильям Фолкнер писал, что Марк Твен был «первым по-настоящему американским писателем, и все мы с тех пор — его наследники», а Эрнест Хемингуэй отмечал, что вся современная американская литература вышла из одной книги Марка Твена, которая называется «Приключения Гекльберри Финна».

понедельник, 15 октября 2018 г.

среда, 10 октября 2018 г.

вторник, 9 октября 2018 г.

Halloween Lexis

Wordymology is a series in which the editors at The Free Dictionary explore the origins of the names of things
You might know that the weird, wonderful word “Halloween” is an abbreviated form of “Allhallow(s) Even,” the eve of All Saints’ Day (also called “Allhallows”). But we’ve scared up even more Halloween word fun, so gather round while we treat you to the tricky etymologies of these essential Halloween words.

понедельник, 8 октября 2018 г.

воскресенье, 7 октября 2018 г.

четверг, 4 октября 2018 г.

8 Ways to Say "Yes"

It's just three little letters, but Yes can say so much.
Yes is a very old word. It entered English before 900, and comes from the Old English word gese loosely meaning "be it." Before the 1600s, yes was often used only as an affirmative to a negative question, and yea was used as the all-purpose way to say "yes."


12 Common but Confusing Words

среда, 3 октября 2018 г.

Middle Voice Sentences

I got a comment on YouTube from a listener named Steven, who asked about verbs like the ones in this following sentence: "The screw screwed in more easily than I thought it would." Clearly, the screw didn’t screw itself in. The person who uttered the sentence

вторник, 2 октября 2018 г.

воскресенье, 30 сентября 2018 г.

The world's English mania

"TED" stands for "Technology, Education, and Design. It's the name of an organization that puts on events where scientists, artists, entrepreneurs, and teachers give really engaging short talks. They also make videos of these talks available online.
Here's one video of a talk about "the world's English mania":

Idiom "salt in the wound"

четверг, 27 сентября 2018 г.

Words Of A High School Principal

A high-school principal may not be a very glamorous profession, but this woman recognized it as a chance to influence the young minds of the next generation and to maybe inspire change early on instead of trying to amend things after they’ve happened. Here’s her story:

среда, 26 сентября 2018 г.

How To Describe Reflections In Water

How To Describe Reflections In Water - Free Video English Lesson: 
In this crazy world, here is a peaceful video lesson. In this free video English lesson, you will learn how to describe reflections and how they make you feel. Listen and repeat - take one step every day on your road to better English.

понедельник, 24 сентября 2018 г.

воскресенье, 23 сентября 2018 г.

Speak The Season: 7 Essential Words Of Fall

deciduous tree is one that sheds its leaves annually, distinct from an evergreen tree that keeps its foliage year-round. But, this autumnal adjective also has a much more poetic meaning of "not permanent" or "transitory." Of these two, the scientific

Only 5% Of Adults Can Pass This Elementary Test

Education in Great Britain

четверг, 20 сентября 2018 г.

Talking About The Weather

IELTS Speaking Test Part 2 Sample Answer: Talking About The Weather: 

In this free IELTS Audio Lesson, you will learn how to describe the weather and how it makes you feel. There is also an Audio Vocabulary Exercise so you can learn how to rephrase the important language.

Idiom "ride the rail(s)"

вторник, 18 сентября 2018 г.

How every day of the week got its name

Wordymology is a series in which the editors at The Free Dictionary explore the origins of the names of things.
Have you ever wondered how the days of the week got their names? You can thank two celestial bodies, four gods, and one goddess (or maybe two)!
The ancient Mesopotamians first associated the days of the week with figures from

Stop Apologising for your Poor English

среда, 5 сентября 2018 г.

Why Do We Say ‘to Boot’?

The kind of boot in the phrase "to boot," which essentially means "as an extra," has nothing to do with the boots you wear on your feet or the trunk of your car.

 Why Do We Say ‘to Boot’?

понедельник, 3 сентября 2018 г.

пятница, 31 августа 2018 г.

вторник, 21 августа 2018 г.

Idioms from Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was a poet and playwright who lived in the 16th century. He is regarded as one of the greatest writers in the history of the English language. You might know him as the author of the famous “Romeo and Juliet.” Many of the English idioms we use to this day were invented or popularized by Shakespeare – you’ll learn eight of them in this lesson!

Idiom "like piffy on a rock bun"

воскресенье, 19 августа 2018 г.

среда, 15 августа 2018 г.

Pants are named after a clown...

Wordymology is a series in which the editors at The Free Dictionary explore the origins of the names of things.
Let’s undress all the weird ways your two-legged garments got their names.
Jeans, Dungarees, and Denim
The terms “jeans,” “dungarees,” and “denim” are all closely associated with
the ubiquitous blue-hued pants popular the world over, but their etymologies are literally all over the map.