вторник, 13 июня 2017 г.

7 Literary Classics by One-Hit Wonders

1. Wuthering Heights [wuhth-er-ing]
The only novel by Emily Bronte, the second eldest of the famous trio of  literary sisters, Wuthering Heights was published a year before Bronte died at the age of 30. This classic of English literature tells the sad love story of  Heathcliff and Catherine.

воскресенье, 11 июня 2017 г.

Articles with Geographical Names

We generally use either 'the' or 'no article' with geographical names in English. There isn't a lot of logic! We just need to learn if we need 'the' or 'no article' for each kind of place. We use 'no article' with:
  • Lakes: We visited Lake Geneva.
  • Mountains: I saw Mount Fuji from the aeroplane.
  • Continents: She loves living in Asia.

суббота, 10 июня 2017 г.

четверг, 8 июня 2017 г.

суббота, 3 июня 2017 г.

"Fire" Idioms

Fire is pretty hot and dangerous, don’t you think? Well, in English we have a number of idioms that come from this idea about fire and use the word fire in them. For today’s English lesson, let’s take a look at five idioms that have word fire. I hope this lesson isn’t too hot to handle!

пятница, 2 июня 2017 г.

1 letter of the English alphabet

One may think it's so easy, but check out these words with the "o" letter combinations:
  • spot
  • collect
  • corn
  • coat
All 4 have different o-sounds.
This podcast is all about the letter "o" and how it is commonly mispronounced by non-native English speakers. There're a number of reasons why this sound isn't pronounced the way it's supposed to be, and mainly it's because of the non-native tendency to be "hyper" correct, which in this case works against us. Learn the 4 main ways this letter is mispronounced and practice different groups of words with this letter

среда, 31 мая 2017 г.