суббота, 11 сентября 2021 г.

English Grammar Secrets -used to

Networking in English

Have you ever done any networking in English?

Networking is an important skill that you can use to get a new job, connect with other professionals or increase business.

But how can you network in English?

English Grammar Secrets - the imperative

Describing a new company

Learn business English: Describing a new company

Are there any new businesses in your town or city?

What services do they offer?

What products are they selling?

In this lesson, you’re going to learn some useful words and expressions for describing a new business or company. And then you’re going to watch a video conversation with two people talking about this topic so you can really learn the words. Ready? OK, let’s go!

среда, 8 сентября 2021 г.

How to respond to "How are you?", "What's up?"


How to respond to "How are you?", "What's up?", and other conversation starters

How are you?

25 ways to say "sorry" in English

Apologizing for small mistakes

Simply saying "sorry" is most common with small mistakes, like bumping into someone or saying someone’s name wrong. In these situations, people often say:

50 Most Common English Idioms

50 Most Common English Idioms and Phrases 

By combining words that have completely different individual meanings, we get idioms.

English idioms are extremely common in everyday conversation and, therefore, essential for language progression.