воскресенье, 19 июля 2015 г.

English Words Originating in Foreign Languages

1. karaoke (Japanese)
Karaoke is when a recording of a popular song plays, and everyday people sing the song by accompanying the lyrics displayed on a screen. From Japanese kara + ōke.

2. pajamas (Hindi)
Pajamas are loose, comfortable clothes worn for sleeping. From Hindi/Urdu pāyjāmā, loose-fitting trousers.

Clichéd English expressions

cliché (pronounced "clee-shay") is an expression or idea that has been used over and over again. It was once clever, but now it's been used so many times that now it doesn't seem interesting or intelligent any more.

split a dessert

You bought an enormous sandwich for lunch, but you're not very hungry. You ask your classmates if someone would like a half of the sandwich. Does anyone want to split this with me?

среда, 15 июля 2015 г.

Are you seeing anyone?

You're having coffee with a good friend, who you haven't seen in a long time. You want to ask if he has been going on dates or been romantically involved with anyone.  Are you seeing anyone?

четверг, 9 июля 2015 г.

Hold on...

Your friend calls you and asks if you want to go to a movie. It's a Tuesday afternoon, and you remember that your friend has an office job. You ask him why he isn't there.
Hold on, aren't you supposed to be at work right now?

понедельник, 6 июля 2015 г.

воскресенье, 5 июля 2015 г.

Expressions with "free"

#1 – a free spirit / free-spirited

If you say “My sister is a free spirit” or “My sister is free-spirited,” it means she is the type of person who doesn’t follow traditions, obligations, or the typical way of doing things. Instead, she lives her life the way she wants to, not caring about what society thinks.