воскресенье, 3 апреля 2016 г.

Describe your favourite season (sample)

Question: Describe your favourite season in your country. You should say:
·         when that season is
·         what the weather is like at that time of year
·         how that season is different from other seasons
·         and why it is your favourite season.
Answer: I love all the seasons but I think my favourite is Spring. As the UK is in the Northern hemisphere, Spring lasts from March to May. In early Spring, our weather can be anything from freezing cold to warm and sunny, but later in the season it gets consistently warmer.
 In some ways Spring is no different from the other seasons, as they are all a time of change and in the UK, of rather unpredictable weatherBut the main way that Spring is different from other seasons is the same reason that it is my favourite season. I love it because everything is growing. Everything is fresh and new. 

After the dark, cold days of Winter, the days start getting longer as there is more daylight. 
After the Spring Equinox on 21st March, the days are longer than the nights, and this lasts until the Autumn Equinox on 21st September. I love the time in late March when the clocks go forward by one hour, from Greenwich Meantime (GMT) to British Summer Time (BST) and we have an extra hour of daylight in the evening.

One of the best things about  Spring is that the plants and trees come to life again. On the trees, we can see new leaves growing. Fruit trees, such as cherry and apple trees, develop beautiful pink and white blossoms, and colourful flowers such as daffodils and crocuses bloom in parks and gardens. The sounds of spring are wonderful too, when birds start singing more as they look for a mate and then start building their nests.

It is not just the countryside that comes to life again in Spring.  In towns and cities, cafes, pubs and restaurants start putting their tables outside again, and people sit in the sun drinking and eating. The parks are full of people walking, cycling and playing sport. It’s a fantastic season!

This sample answer took around 2 minutes, which is the maximum time you need to speak without stopping in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam.  Now, try it yourself!

(by Jane Lawson at DailyStep.com)