понедельник, 31 августа 2020 г.

Have you got a sense of humour?

We all know that learning is easier when the class is relaxed and fun.
But did you know that you can learn English more quickly with humour?
According to scientific research, laughter releases chemicals (dopamine and serotonin) in the brain that make us feel good.
So today's class will not only help you improve your English quicker it will also leave you feeling Greeeeeeeaaaat!

Learn English and have fun at the same time!

Plus, fun quiz: Have you got a sense of humour? We all know that learning is easier when the class is relaxed. But did you know that you can Learn English and have fun with humor?
Learn more words!
According to scientific research, laughter releases chemicals (dopamine and serotonin) in the brain that make us feel good. It also activates a part of the brain that stimulates long-term memory. So, through humour, you can remember more words and expressions.
Learn faster!
But that’s not all. Having a sense of humour can make you learn more quickly. If you’re the type of person who can accept mistakes as part of learning, and even see the funny side of them, you’ll find learning a lot easier.
The thing is, if you aren’t making any mistakes, you aren’t pushing yourself. And if you aren’t pushing yourself, you’re learning very slowly.
Learn from your mistakes!
Of course, pushing yourself can be a bit embarrassing at times. While I was learning Spanish, I made lots of silly mistakes. Once, I was in a swimming pool and I noticed an elderly lady who was having problems breathing. I wanted to ask her whether she was tired (cansada) and if I could help, but I ended up asking her if she was married (casada). She left the pool in shock as I tried to explain my mistake.
Cartoon man with hands on face
However, thanks to that mistake, I never forgot the difference between those two very similar Spanish words: cansada-casada.
Cartoon guy with thumbs up - How to pronounce English
Anyway, in today’s lesson, we’ll help you learn lots of useful language with a quiz while you learn English and have fun. And as you’ll enjoy taking it, you’ll find it easier to learn and remember the language because it’s written in a fun and funny* way. Don’t believe us? Just try it for yourself.
*Fun & funny
Something “fun” makes you feel happy; something “funny” makes you laugh.
Before doing the quiz, here are some useful words and expressions to help you. Ready? OK, let’s go!
To rush somewhere
To go somewhere quickly: “I rushed home.”
pop into a place
enter a place quickly and for a short period of time: “I popped into the shop to get a drink.”
A noticeboard
A piece of wood, cork, metal, etc. attached to the wall with messages, posters, pictures, reports, etc. on it: “There was a photo from the party on the noticeboard.”
pin (up)
To put something on a noticeboard or the wall with a pin or drawing pin (a small sharp object for fixing paper, etc.): “I pinned the poster on the noticeboard.”
rip down
If you “rip something down”, you take it down quickly, and aggressively or violently: “She ripped the poster down from the wall.”
A practical joke
A trick that is designed to make someone look silly or ridiculous, etc.: “She played a practical joke on me.”
pick up (the phone)
answer the phone: “The phone was ringing but I didn’t want to pick it up.”
To smash
If you “smash” something (such as a glass), it breaks into little pieces: “I accidentally smashed the glass.”
To challenge someone
If you “challenge” someone, you invite them to fight or have a competition with you: “I challenged him to a game of table tennis.”
A nap
A little sleep, often in the afternoon and usually for about one hour: “I had a little nap before going out.”
To lighten up
If you tell someone to “lighten up”, you’re telling them to relax and be less tense and serious: “You need to lighten up!”

Personality quiz.

1. You accidentally leave the house with different coloured socks on. What do you do?
a. I rush home and change the socks.
b. I pop into the nearest shop and buy a new pair.
c. Nothing. I think it looks quite good.

2. Someone tells an innocent joke about people from your country. What do you do?
a. I report them to the Race Relations Board.
b. I leave the room.
c. I tell another joke about people from my country.

3. A colleague pins up a photo of you on the staff noticeboard. You’re pulling a funny face on the photo and you look a bit silly. What do you do?
a. I rip it down.
b. I pin up another picture of me looking really cool.
c. I paint a moustache on my face in the photo.

4. There’s a funny TV programme with home videos of people falling down accidentally.
What do you think of it?
a. I am not amused!
b. What’s so funny?
c. I laughed so much I nearly cried.

5. How do other people react when you tell a joke?
a. I don’t tell jokes.
b. They don’t usually laugh.
c. They roll about on the floor in hysterics.

6. A work colleague glues your phone to your desk as a practical joke. When you go to answer the phone, you can’t pick it up. How do you react?
a. I smash their phone to pieces with a baseball bat.
b. I report them to the manager.
c. I laugh. Later, I’ll play a joke on them.

7. A friend does an imitation of the way you run. Everyone laughs about it. What do you do?
a. I challenge the joker to a fight.
b. What’s so funny about my run?
c. I run around the room to make them laugh even more.

8. You decide to have an afternoon nap. You set the alarm for 4 pm – one hour later. However, while you’re sleeping, your sister changes the time, and the alarm rings 3 hours later. What do you do?
a. I phone the police and report the incident.
b. I throw my sister’s alarm clock down the toilet.
c. I go back to bed.

If you answered 
mostly a’s Mr/Mrs Angry. We seriously recommend an anger management course before you explode.

mostly b’s Mr/Mrs Analytical. You do have the capacity to laugh at yourself at times, but you should try to lighten up a bit. Stop taking life so seriously!

mostly c’s Mr/Mrs Hilarious. You can’t help but see the funny side of life. You’re a true comedian.

to rush vb - to go somewhere quickly
to pop into phr vb - to enter a place quickly and for a short period of time
to pin up phr vb - to stick on a board / the wall with
a drawing pin (a small sharp object for sticking paper, etc.)
the staff noticeboard n - a piece of wood/cork/metal, etc.attached to the wall with information for employees
to rip something down exp - to take down quickly/violently, etc.
a practical joke n - a joke/trick that is designed to make someone look silly/ridiculous, etc.
to pick up (the phone) exp - to take the phone in your hands in order to answer it because it is ringing
to smash something to pieces exp - to completely destroy something by hitting it many times
to challenge someone to a fight exp - to tell someone that you want to have a fight with them
an afternoon nap n - a little sleep in the afternoon (usually about one hour)
to lighten up phr vb - to relax; to be less tense and serious

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