суббота, 29 июня 2013 г.

Good vs. Well

Ichiro plays very well. Everyone says he’s a good player.
A lot of people (including some native speakers) have trouble with good and well. Have a look at the paragraph below and see if you can catch the difference.

пятница, 28 июня 2013 г.

Using Can

Can you help me?
Can is a modal verb in English grammar, and has a few different meanings. Today, I am going to show you how we use can in both statements and questions.

четверг, 27 июня 2013 г.

“My watch” by Mark Twain

My beautiful new watch had run eighteen months without losing or gaining, and without breaking any part of its machinery or stopping. I had come to believe it infallible in its judgments about the time of day, and to consider its constitution and its anatomy imperishable. But at last, one night, 

Don't worry, be happy...

вторник, 25 июня 2013 г.

Should, could, would

The difference between should, could, and would is difficult for many English learners – this lesson will help you understand when to use each one!

понедельник, 24 июня 2013 г.

Order a takeout

“It's so much easier to order something than to spend all that time going to the grocery store, cooking, washing dishes... Not to mention I'm not that good of a cook to begin with.” 

You don't cook very much. Instead, you like to order takeout from restaurants. Now you're talking with a friend about why you do that.

суббота, 22 июня 2013 г.

15 Common Errors in English


These common errors in English are made by students of all levels, from beginner to advanced. Here are some quick explanations and tips about how to avoid 15 common English mistakes.

“Everybody are happy.”

Words like everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody are actually singular, not plural. Even though “everybody” refers to a lot of people, it takes the singular verb – so the correct sentence is “Everybody is happy.”

“I’ll explain you the problem.”