понедельник, 8 июля 2013 г.

Greece. The best love song.

Dangerous friends


at a Fast Food Restaurant

The day you arrive in a big American city, like New York, on a business trip or for a new overseas post, you’re going to be hungry. Quite possibly, your first meal may be at a fast food restaurant. Here are five essential words you’ll want to remember to help you order food.
  1. Next!
  2. Meal (not ‘set’)

воскресенье, 7 июля 2013 г.

How to Start a Conversation

Do you have difficulty speaking English? Sometimes the hardest part is simply starting a conversation. Learn these expressions for starting a conversation in English in any situation – formal or informal, at work, school, or other contexts!
Starting a conversation with a friend:

среда, 3 июля 2013 г.



This group’s name is “Never Mind”
A lot of my students have told me that have trouble with the phrase never mind. Today, I want to show you how to use this English language phrase in your everyday conversations. Have a look at the dialog below:
  • Jack: I had a great time at the concert last night.
  • Jen: Who was playing?
  • Jack: What did you say?

Using Instead

Instead is generally used with the preposition of. We say instead of, which means one thing or person will replace another thing or person. After instead of we can use a noun or a gerund (Verb ING):
  • I think I will have tea instead of coffee this morning.
  • Instead of our weekly meeting, the boss is taking us out to lunch on Friday!
  • I’m tired of eating pizza every week. Instead of pizza, let’s go out for sushi.