четверг, 9 мая 2019 г.

Most Important Acronyms in English

The 100 most important acronyms 
Part 1. General acronyms
We're starting an article series on the 100 most important acronyms that are used in the English language.

среда, 8 мая 2019 г.

“Actually, can I get plastic instead?”

English Lesson: Actually, can I get plastic instead?
You're checking out a supermarket. The cashier starts putting your groceries in a paper bag. You'd rather have your groceries in a plastic bag instead. You quickly say this.
Actually, can I get plastic instead?

33 collocations for decisions +

Idiom "eat, drink, and be merry"

When “Mixed” Isn’t Enough

Why We Need Better Terms For People Who Identify As Two Or More Races

(by Nicole Hollida)
Картинки по запросу бесплатные картинки people's races

When I was a kid, I always just assumed that everyone in the world called people like me “mixed,” because in the 1990s in central Ohio, where I grew up, mixed almost always referred to folks like me, who had one black parent and one white parent.

воскресенье, 5 мая 2019 г.

Keep Up The Good Work

25 Ways to Say “Keep Up The Good Work” 💪 & Meaning 🤓