среда, 30 мая 2012 г.

Words That Come from "Mother"

#1: Metropolis
Nowadays, it refers to a large city — particularly an important one.
In ancient Greece,metropolis referred to the mother city of a colony.
(Corinth, for example, was the metropolis of Syracuse.)
Metropolis comes from the Greek mētēr ("mother") +polis ("city").

#2: Matrix
 Is matrix the mother of all terms?
Maybe not, but the term originates in the Latinmater, meaning "mother."
The original (now-archaic) meaning of matrix was "uterus." Today the word usually refers to a situation or set of conditions in which something develops or forms.

Asking permission

Do you mind if I  — Вы не против если я … Одна из самых распространенных фраз, подходит для компании знакомых людей.
Would you mind-

понедельник, 28 мая 2012 г.


  1. have (made)  a reservation. – Я забронировал гостиницу

Favourite Words From Foreign Languages

Many English words come from other languages, but this list highlights some of our favorites from non-Romance languages – i.e. they don't trace back to Latin – that sound almost the same in the original.

#1: Karaoke
Language of Origin: Japanese
About the Word: