guys it’s Michael here from Happy English and I’m back with another podcast English lesson. I hope you guys are staying home and staying safe. Remember, maintaining social distancing is the best way to keep yourself and your family healthy.
Students from the Indiana University of Pennyslvania talk about their favourite study places. Let's face it -- doing well in college requires a lot of studying, and not all in your suite. IUP 360° students share some of their secrets to studying on campus.
Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the color yellow. Although gifted with a superbly logical brain, for fifteen-year-old Christopher everyday interactions and admonishments have little meaning. He lives on patterns, rules, and a diagram kept in his pocket. Then one day, a neighbor's dog, Wellington, is killed and his carefully constructive universe is threatened. Christopher sets out to solve the murder in the style of his favourite (logical) detective, Sherlock Holmes. What follows makes for a novel that is funny, poignant and fascinating in its portrayal of a person whose curse and blessing are a mind that perceives the world entirely literally.
In the USA, there are lots of really unusual dumb (silly) laws. Some of them were written many years ago, but they’re still enforceable – which means the police could arrest you for them.