среда, 1 мая 2013 г.

The pen is mightier than the sword

Meaning: Words and communication are more powerful and can have a more lasting effect than war and fighting.
Examples: 1. If you force people to do something, they will always resist. Persuasion is much more powerful. The pen is mightier than the sword!

7 Useful Idioms

I have a cup of joeevery morning.

IDIOM #1: a cup of joe 
  • How to use it:  You can buy, drink, make, etc a cup of joe.
  • Explanation: Joe is a slang word for coffee and so a cup of joe means a cup of coffee.

понедельник, 29 апреля 2013 г.

Taking Things Out of Context

Taking something out of context” is a great phrase and it’s a bit of a “high level” phrase. The “context” in which you say something is the situation in which you say it.  Context is things like where, when, to whom, what were the other factors going on when you said it. When you take what someone said “out of context“, you are just saying a part of the story, usually to make the person look bad.  It doesn’t give the full story.

Casual Greetings with “How” & What”

суббота, 27 апреля 2013 г.

How to talk about the Weather

The weather is a practical topic of English language conversation. Not only does the weather influence our fashion choices, but it’s a common topic of “small talk”. The weather can be used as a good ice breaker to start a conversation with someone you don’t know well.Not all of America experiences the four seasons:

15 Grammar Goofs That Make You Look Silly

Grammar is one of the most debated subjects on the Internet. Trolls, know-it-alls and helpful grammar gurus all bring it up if they should stumble upon a comment, post or article that doesn’t really measure up to the English grammar rules. For someone who is not born or raised in a country where English is the native language, it can be hard to get the message across when you have to stumble along with grammar that doesn’t really make sense. However,

Stress and Rhythm

Many students think that learning English is about learning grammar, consonants, vowels, and vocabulary. These form the basic foundation of a language, however, if you want to be understood when speaking American English, and if you want to understand native speakers, it is essential that you improve your stress and rhythm.