четверг, 10 апреля 2014 г.

Haggle & Tacky


"I bought these here earlier today, but when I got them home I discovered that one of them seems to have a hole in it."

Earlier today you bought a pair of gloves, but one of them had a hole in it. Now you've returned to the store where you bought the gloves. This is how you explain your situation to a cashier on duty.

earlier today

понедельник, 7 апреля 2014 г.

Idioms Related To Animals

as sick as a dog 
  • How to use it: [someone] is as sick as a dog
  • Explanation: Someone who is as sick as a dog is very sick.
  • Example: Bob was as sick as a dog because he caught the flu.

Tenses Infographics

воскресенье, 6 апреля 2014 г.


de-friend = отрицательная приставка ” de ” + friend (друг) – удалять кого-либо из своего списка друзей в социальных сетях;

ego-google/ ego-surf – ego = («я», эго) + surf/google – искать упоминание о себе или ссылки на свое имя в Интернете;

infotainment = information (информация) + entertainment (увеселительное мероприятие) –
онлайн сервисы, содержащие как информационные, так и развлекательные ресурсы;

Phrases for Good & Bad Luck

English Phrases for Good Luck

Good luck! / Best of luck!
Say these when you want to wish/desire someone good luck, good results; you hope they will succeed.
"I'm taking my driving test tomorrow."
"Good luck!"
"I'm starting my own company."
"Wow! Best of luck with that!"

Idiomatic expressions with "of"

ESL students spend a lot of time memorizing prepositions and the words they go with. These expressions are purely idiomatic. That means there is no way we can explain why a particular word takes a particular preposition. For example, we use the preposition ‘on’ with ‘dependent’ and ‘of’ with ‘independent’.
  • He is dependent on his parents. (NOT He is dependent of his parents.) It is not easy to decide which preposition to use with which adjective. In addition, American usage sometimes differs from British usage. Here is a list of adjectives that take the preposition of.