понедельник, 27 мая 2019 г.

Idiom "Live Beyond Your Means"

Live Beyond Your Means 💰Idiom Meaning

How to respond to "How are you?", "What's up?"

How to respond to "How are you?", "What's up?", and other conversation starters
How are you?
There are a few questions that English speakers ask at the beginning of a conversation. These questions are simple tools to find out if there are any interesting topics to discuss:

Idiom "be (as) green as a gooseberry"

суббота, 25 мая 2019 г.

Stop Putting Adjectives in the Wrong Order

Adjectives are amazing words simply because they're descriptive. These colorful words make conversations more intriguing and helps people put a picture in their head. And the best thing about adjectives is that we can use more than one. You can use two, three, perhaps even four adjectives to describe a noun. So it's important to learn the order in which we use these big beautiful words.

Idiom "God almighty!"

четверг, 23 мая 2019 г.

Idiom "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

set phrase indicating stark and unyielding refusal to submit to authoritarian measures or  domination. The phrase is attributed to American politician Patrick Henry

среда, 22 мая 2019 г.

How To Understand Phone Calls

Phone calls can be difficult because you can’t see the other person. But they’re also difficult because we often use phrasal verbs in English phone calls. Here are ten common phrasal verbs which will help you understand the other person – and sound more natural – when you’re on the phone.