пятница, 23 августа 2019 г.

At the cinema or in the cinema?

Seonaid Beckwith
Perfect English GrammarCommon questions: At the cinema or in the cinema? I'm often asked if we should say 'I'll meet you at the cinema' or 'I'll meet you in the cinema'. The answer is that both are correct. We can think about the cinema as a point (in this case we use 'at') or we can think about the cinema as a building (in this case we use 'in').

вторник, 20 августа 2019 г.

Idiom "arm candy"

Yeah, I start to zone out after about five minutes.

English Lesson: Yeah, I start to zone out after about five minutes.
You're talking to a classmate about your professor's lectures. Your classmate says that his lectures are boring and hard to pay attention to. You agree, so you say this.
Yeah, I start to zone out after about five minutes.

English Grammar: Gerunds

понедельник, 19 августа 2019 г.

50 Most Important Phrases (2)

50 Most Important English Phrases
50 Most Important English Phrases
Are you traveling for business or pleasure to an English speaking country? Maybe your dream is to visit or move to America than it is important to understand the language.

четверг, 15 августа 2019 г.

Idiom "ace (something)"

She'll be with you shortly.

English Lesson: She'll be with you shortly.
You're going in for a job interview. You tell the employee near the entrance that you have an appointment with the manager. He tells you to wait.

She'll be with you shortly.