четверг, 21 июня 2012 г.

“Love Handles"

“I guess she must like guys with love handles.”
 - Actor Chris Pratt, joking about how he got his wife, Anna Faris. (Us Weekly)

Meaning:  the fat that is located on people’s sides, below their ribs and above their hips
Love is mysterious. You never know what is going to draw people together. You might not even be able to predict what kind of person you will fall in love with, or for what reasons. Still, chances are, love handles aren’t going to be on your list of “must-haves” when it comes to finding a partner.

The term love handles sounds nice, right? But telling someone they have great love handles isn’t actually a complement. Love handles are that extra bit of fat that hangs over one’s belt. They’re called loved handlesbecause someone who loves you can use them to grab onto you!

The actor Chris Pratt jokes that his wife loves him for his love handles. But it might be more honest to say that she loves him despite his love handles. On the other hand, when someone has love handles, there is more of him to love!

What made you fall for your girlfriend or boyfriend? Do you think it matters if someone has love handles?

“I think I need to cut down on the candy bars, or I’m going to get love handles.”
“I don’t mind it when girls have love handles. I dislike it when girls are too skinny.”
“My boyfriend is starting to get love handles. It’s cute now, but if he keeps getting them, I might have to put him on a diet.”