среда, 12 сентября 2012 г.



Any fluent English speaker knows how to use the word “pushover“.  It’s a great slang phrase and super easy to use.
A “pushover” is anyone who is emotionally weak and doesn’t “stand up for themselves”.  They get convinced easily and change their views because of other people.
Here are some great examples:

That guy is such a pushover.  He let’s his girlfriend control his life.  She chooses where they live, what they eat, who they hang out with…  It’s ridiculous.
“He’s really bad at negotiating job salaries.  Before his interview he promised he wouldn’t sign the contract for less than $3000 USD per month.  His boss somehow got him to sign for only $1800 USD per month.  He’s such a pushover.”
So… You can easily imagine that a pushover is someone who is easy to convince and trick.  It’s not a good quality.  A “pushover” needs to stand up for themselves and stick to what they believe in!
Remember, it’s ok to change your mind and be flexible.  That’s normal.  A “pushover” is when someone changes their opinion and does what other people want much too easily.  I think you get the idea.  Now go practice using the phrase!