четверг, 3 января 2013 г.

Improve your brain powers

The easiest way to improve your brain powers and make yourself smarter is

 to have some healthy habits that will take your mind to the next level without much effort.  You want better memory, be more creative or you want to be able to solve problems easily.  How can be all this achieved? Just add these habits to your daily routine and your mental  power will start improving. Good sleep routine – Sleep is extremely important for your entire body. Good sleep is a must for a healthy brain. Want to have a creative mind, become problem solving machine or a human memory card? 
Get a good night sleep.
There is so much excitement going on around us that we feel bad wasting hours on sleep. Often we sacrifice two or three hours of sleep to get an extra work done for a job or school. “It’s okay, I can still sleep 4 or 5 hours” you might think, but it’s not about how much you want to sleep, it’s about how much your brain and body needs to sleep.

How many hours do you need to sleep every night? It depends on a person and it depends on your lifestyle. Some people can sleep 6 hours and feel very refreshed while some people need 9 hours. More than 9 hours is too much. You don’t need that much. Less than 6 hours is not enough for the most of the people. Anything in between is very good amount of time.
Why is the sleep so important for us? Sleep is a very mysterious thing for a scientists and even today, when the technology and science is making a huge progress every day, we still don’t know why exactly we need sleep. But what we know is that if we don’t sleep, our brain and body collapse and we die.
Several studies show that lack of sleep causes the brain cells to die. The sleep deprivation is a number one enemy of the brain. If you want your brain to be strong, have a good sleeping habits.
Eat brain food – Healthy diet is good, but it does not necessarily mean that you get nutrients for your brain. Are you sure that you eat enough food that boosts your mental powers? You might have a very strong, well-shaped body, low cholesterol level, but your brain could still starve.
Are you getting enough omega-3 fatty acids? Don’t get confused. It might seem a very fancy scientific word, but all I am asking you is if you eat food like walnuts, soybeans, tuna, salmon and other food that contain omega-3. It’s not easy to make this a habit. Just carry some nuts at work or at school. You can buy it anywhere.
Also, try to avoid saturated fat and high calorie food. They are bad for your brain and decreases brain well functioning. All you have to do is moderate them if you have hard time giving up unhealthy food.
Try to learn new stuff – Learning new stuff is what makes you smarter and more intelligent. But not only it increases your knowledge about stuff, but it also boosts your mental power. It might sound confusing, but that’s how it works – More you learn, more your brain exercises. More your brain exercises, better it functions.
It does not matter how you learn. You don’t have to read books if you don’t like reading them. You can get lots of information from reading articles or watching videos. You can go outside and explore. Exploration is a good way of learning. You can have a conversation with someone and learn that way. Learning ways are unlimited and it’s only up to your imagination how you will acquire new information.