понедельник, 17 ноября 2014 г.

"Make" with prepositions

Make is an interesting verb which collocates with a variety of prepositions – in, of, with, from, and by. For today’s English lesson, let’s have a look at how to use make with several prepositions in English conversation and writing.
Here are the example sentences:
Made in.
·         That TV was made in the USA.
·         These days, Volkswagens that are sold in the USA are made in Mexico.
·         I bought some pretzels that were made in Brooklyn.
Made of:
·         This desk is made of wood.
·         Many items these days are made of plastic.
·         That looks like glass, but it is actually made of vinyl.
Made with:
·         This is all natural ice cream. It’s made with milk, cream, sugar and vanilla.
·         Don’t eat those cookies. They are made with a lot of artificial chemicals.
·         This BBQ sauce is made with tomatoes, spices, and several secret ingredients.
Made from:
·         This is all natural ice cream. It’s made from milk, cream, sugar and vanilla.
·         Don’t eat those cookies. They are made from a lot of artificial chemicals.
·         This BBQ sauce is made from tomatoes, spices, and several secret ingredients.
Made by:
·         These apple pies are made by hand.
·         Candy bars are made by machines in a factory.

·         That jewelry was made by Native Americans.