For today’s English lesson,
let’s have a look at the difference between fault, mistake, and error. These
words are similar, but we use them differently.
Here are the example sentences.
The boss said
that it was Jack’s fault that the customer got angry. Jack put the wrong
address on the shipping label.
It was Tom’s
fault that the car got stolen. He left the doors unlocked, even thought he
parked the care on the street.
So, fault show’s
who is responsible for something bad.
75? No, that’s a
mistake. We sold at least 100 donuts today.
Tommy only made
two mistakes on the exam. He got the best score in the class.
Excuse me, I
think this is a mistake. I ordered chicken, not steak.
I asked the
teacher to correct my errors.
There are a lot
of spelling errors in this document.
If the doctor
makes any errors during the surgery, there could be sever consequences for the
We paid this
invoice twice in error. It was already paid six months ago.
I called my
sister in error. I was thinking to call my mom but I misdialed.