Indomitable (adjective) Definition:
Hard to defeat or subdue. Used to say that someone is strong, brave, determined, and difficult to defeat or frighten.
Think, “dominate.” Someone or something indomitable cannot be easily dominated.
Think, “dominate.” Someone or something indomitable cannot be easily dominated.
Example Sentences:
– Even though navy seal officer Jocko Willinck was tired and hungry, he showed indomitable courage throughout the battle.
– The indomitable spirit rof Andy Ruiz made him the first Mexican heavyweight champion.
– In 2016 Ben Stiller revealed that he had been battling an aggresive form of cancer, but his courage and will to live were indomitable, and he survived and made full a full recovery.
– The indomitable spirit rof Andy Ruiz made him the first Mexican heavyweight champion.
– In 2016 Ben Stiller revealed that he had been battling an aggresive form of cancer, but his courage and will to live were indomitable, and he survived and made full a full recovery.
Determined, unconquerable, unbeatable, steadfast,
Controllable, docile
Agnostic (noun and adjective)
(n.) one who does not definitively deny or confirm the existence of God;
(adj.) uncertain of claims to knowledge.
(adj.) uncertain of claims to knowledge.
Example Sentences:
– Morgan Freeman says he is not an atheist but an agnostic: He is not convinced that God exists, but he is also not convinced that God doesn’t exist.
– You could say that Enrico Fermi is not agnostic about life on other planets: statistically alien life should exist, he just wondered where is everybody.
– Mark says it is impossible to determine whether Bitcoin or Gold are better because “better” is such a subjective term, he calls himself agnostic when it comes to valuable assets like gold and bitcoin.
– You could say that Enrico Fermi is not agnostic about life on other planets: statistically alien life should exist, he just wondered where is everybody.
– Mark says it is impossible to determine whether Bitcoin or Gold are better because “better” is such a subjective term, he calls himself agnostic when it comes to valuable assets like gold and bitcoin.
(n.) non-believer, freethinker, skeptic, (adj.) unbelieving, uncertain
(n.) believer, theist, atheist, (adj.) certain, convinced