суббота, 28 января 2017 г.

Toward vs. Towards

Some English writers feel uneasy with using the words toward and towards and are often unsure of how to use them in a sentence properly. It is understandable if you are also wondering whether these two terms have different meanings and functions or they are just variants of the same word.

Rules of Writing

пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

Snow Idioms

The huge amount of it has inspired this lesson of snow phrases and idioms related to snow.  Here are the example sentences. To get the details of this English lesson, you need to listen to the podcast


вторник, 24 января 2017 г.

Shakespeare' s Words

Internet Symbols

Crutch words that can ruin a sentence

Actually  [ak-choo-uh-lee]
Crutch words are words that we slip into sentences in order to give ourselves more time to think, or to emphasize a statement. Over time, they become unconscious verbal tics. Most often, crutch words do not add meaning of a statement. Actually is the perfect example of a crutch word.