пятница, 27 января 2017 г.

Snow Idioms

The huge amount of it has inspired this lesson of snow phrases and idioms related to snow.  Here are the example sentences. To get the details of this English lesson, you need to listen to the podcast

·         When snow starts falling, you should get your shovel ready.
·         Too much snow can make driving dangerous.
·         It snows a lot in January in New York.
·         It was snowing this morning.

Flurry & blizzard
·         It’s snowing, but just flurries.
·         We are supposed to have snow flurries all weekend.
·         There is going to be a blizzard tomorrow.

Slush & slushy
·         When I stepped in the slush, my shoes and feet got very wet.
·         The road was very slushy. I had to drive slowly.

To be snowed under.
·         Because of the blizzard, we were snowed under. It took more than a day for us to dig out.
·         I can’t leave the office early today. I’m snowed under with work.
·         Bob said he was snowed under with schoolwork.

A snow job:
·         Jack’s reason for coming late was just a snow job.
·         She gave me a snow job about not having time to finish her homework.