понедельник, 23 января 2017 г.

Shopping at the supermarket

Here are some English phrases you will find useful when shopping at the supermarket.
Questions the sales assistants might ask:
Hello. How may I help you?
Are you looking for anything in particular, Sir?
Hello. How can I help you?
Hello. What can I do for you?
Can I help you at all? (Very polite)
Hello. Can I help you?
Finding and asking for items
Where are the vegetables?
Do you sell flowers?
Could you tell me where the meat section is?
Where is the frozen food section?
Could you tell me where the milk is?
Do you sell meat?
Where are the fruits?
I’d like some fish, please.
I’d like some cookies, please.
I’d like a loaf of bread, please.
I’d like a piece of cheese, please.
I’m looking for a pair of shoes.
‘How much would you like?’ ‘250 grams / half a kilo / two kilos.’
I’m looking for magazines. Where can I find them?
I’m looking for a camera / a watch / a calculator / etc.
Do you sell dolls / shoes / bags / cosemtics / etc.?
Can I try this on?
At the checkout
‘That’s $86 altogether. Do you need any help packing?’ ‘No, I can do it myself.’

Could I have a carrier bag, please?