понедельник, 18 февраля 2013 г.

a dog person

On the island I’m staying , there are a TON of stray dogs and stray cats.  “Stray” animals, are animals without an owner.  They just live on their own out in the wild.  No one takes care of them.  We usually use the word “stray”
with mainly dogs and cats.   I think the reason we do this is because those are 2 very common animals that make for good house pets. Another little piece of slang you might like is this: In spoken English, if you want to ask someone if they like dogs more or cats more, you could ask:  ”Are you a dog person or a cat person?”  That means, “Do you like dogs or cats?”
You could answer with “I’m a dog person” or “I’m not really a pet person”.  Something like that.
Anyway, now onto the story…    Our Thai Pet
There is a super cute stray cat who always stays outside of my room.  She always waits by the door and wants to come in the room.  I felt a bit guilty when looking at the cute eyes, so I let the cat in the room.  Now she always sleeps on the bed.  I’ve never been a “cat person” before, but her green eyes seduced me.
It’s so easy to get emotionally attached to pets.  Add and I had a pet rabbit when we were about 10 and 8 years old.  Our parents never wanted any other pets for some reason.  I think it’s mostly because my mom knew she’d have to take care of it and she’s the type of person who would not love dog hair all over the couch.
For the first time in my life, I’m starting to think seriously about getting a pet.
Do you guys have pets?  Are you a dog person or a cat person?
Do you recommend I get one?  What kind?
We have a famous saying in English.  ”A dog is a man’s best friend”.  I think I can understand why.  Dog’s are always happy and kind.  They never get angry the way girlfriends do either!  (Just kidding ladies)           (china232.com)