четверг, 9 августа 2012 г.

Curl up with a good book


I love to read. I love to read. Really! But I don't read because I want people to think I'm smart.

среда, 8 августа 2012 г.

Dinner or Supper?

Both "dinner" and "supper" can be used to describe an evening meal, and in that sense there is little difference between them.
You would never serve supper at noon, but you might have dinner at midday-though today it makes more sense to call that meal lunch.
In earlier times, dinner was a heavy meal that farm laborers ate to sustain them through a long afternoon. Its use has changed with modern life, but it can still suggest a fuller evening meal, while supper can be lighter evening fare.

How to Make "Small Talk"

You may be able to deliver killer speeches, wonderful presentations and professional talks on topics of your choice. But can you make small talk? There are times in life when you need to make casual conversation. And in business, the social aspect of a business relationship is often as important as the professional one. Here are some top tips for making small talk.
1. Listen


How much do you know about Britain? Try answering these questions.
But be careful! They’re not quite as easy as they seem.

1. Is Britain a country?
a) Yes. b) No.
2. What is England’s national anthem?
a) It doesn’t have one. b) “God Save the Queen!” 
3. Which countries does the Queen rule over?
a) The UK and all the countries in the Commonwealth. b) None.
4. Is healthcare free in Britain?
a) Yes. b) It depends.
5. What’s the most popular food in Britain?
a) Curry. b) Fish and chips.

вторник, 7 августа 2012 г.

Pride and prejudice

 Once upon a time there was a young woman who was full of pride...

понедельник, 6 августа 2012 г.

Top 20 Favorite British Words

#1: Prat

Definition:  a stupid or foolish person


"Everyone's feeling a bit summery this morning, with a few rays breaking out over Britain and some of you lot daring to break the 'anyone who wears sunglasses in April is a prat' rule that we just made up." – 3am.co.uk, April 6, 2011

суббота, 4 августа 2012 г.

Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

This is a fantastic phrase in Spoken English. 
 Every native speaker knows this phrase and uses it.