воскресенье, 14 июля 2019 г.

пятница, 12 июля 2019 г.

I'm pretty strapped for cash myself

English Lesson: I'm pretty strapped for cash myself.
A friend asks if he can borrow some money for a few days until his next paycheck. You don't have much money either, so you say no. "I'm pretty strapped for cash myself."

Prepositions Test

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.
1. They swam ………………….. the river.
;     over;     on

среда, 10 июля 2019 г.

Idiom "from cover to cover"

"lay" and "lie"

Woman lying (or laying) down
What's the difference between "lay" and "lie"?
fall asleep.
When I do, I get questions like this one:
"You want him to lay down" or "You want him to lie down"? I am confused.
So how should you use "lay" and "lie"?

Settle down! You're getting all worked up over nothing.

English Lesson: Settle down! You're getting all worked up over nothing.
Your girlfriend is worried because her boss announced an unexpected meeting tomorrow morning. She's afraid that she's going to be fired. She's getting really nervous, so you tell her to calm down.

Settle down!

the list of academic words

Why should you learn academic words? There are many reasons - school, work, English exams. Academic English is important because it enhances our overall fluency by allowing us to be more descriptive and precise when presenting information at work or even writing a university paper.